Brad Allen bio photo

Brad Allen

Doing a little more each day.

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Some Background

I’m a Pennsylvanian dropped in San Francisco. I moved to the West Coast a few years ago for a Stanford MBA and spent much of my time building things - or at least trying to :).


I believe machine learning has the potential to change the way we do business, and am fortunate get to explore this transformation daily with BCG Gamma, BCG’s Advanced Analytics and Data Science team.


Making effective use of ML is a hard challenge - it’s new technology, new techniques, and asks us to change our habits and interactions. My hope is to use this site in three ways:

  • To share what I’ve learned in leading ML projects (in the event it might be useful for others)
  • To work through ideas around effective reskilling and growing ML capabilities in organizations (particularly via government and public-private initiatives)
  • To document my own ongoing practice and learning - there is always more to know. :)

Because of this, “Perpetually Learning” seemed like the right name for the blog.


Outside of work, a few things that are important to me: supporting my friends and family, education (and educational equity), live concerts (or watching - The Last Waltz!), soccer, whiskey, and the Rockies. Please feel free to reach out at any time. I would love to hear from you.